Wednesday, April 27, 2011

SKITE for MOM!!!!

Just had a great idea!  How about a skite for your Mom for Mother's Day???  I'll bet she would love it....OR.....just buy one for yourself!  You deserve it!  I am having one made now with a black skirt and paisley tights!!  Should be wild......will attempt to post photo!  The gray fabric I have now is awesome...I also have some "ballet pink" fabric that's really pretty.

Also, I have a couple of XXS tights and paisley skirts.....(maybe for a teenager or an itsy bitsy body)

Honestly put my black SKITE on today at 6:30 am and took it off 10 minutes ago!!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What in the world is a SKITE????

Hi Y'all!  I am Mary Jane Parrish, inventor of the SKITE!!!!  I am sooooooooo excited about my very cool new website designed by the very cool team of Lauren and Dianne Howerton......

OK, so what IS a skite????  It is a one piece wondergarment for women workout warriors!  A feminine fashion fundamental for the fitness fanatic!  Actually, it's a sassy little skirt sewn onto a pair of moisture wicking tights.  You have worn skirts, you have worn shorts, you have worn skorts, you have worn tights....BUT, you have never worn a SKITE!!!  It's slightly dangerous to have one, because you will never want to take it off.  My husband says he hasn't seen my legs in months!!!  Seriously, everyone remotely interested in looking somewhat attractive while exercising needs to purchase a skite!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

skite buzz

Welcome to page for skite specials and upcoming events!